Thursday, 14 December 2006

Opening Remarks

Using uppercase in my title for this post refers to the formality of the speech that is currently being given by our hosts here at Cranfield. The room is packed - almost 100 in the room here. It appears that the conference is attended mostly by academics, but reference and welcomes have been given to several corporate participants: and the spread of nationalities is considerable. Some sponor endorsements and recognitions for Sage and Palgrave... Over now to Kim James, who steps up to the lecturn. Lecturn - funny word that and a strange piece of furniture that somehow acts as a warrant, a permission to inhabit the pedagogic cockpit. But now, over to some administrative announcements - why aren't these valorised as much as the papers? Latour would be proud of me - these fire exit, room locations, dinner arrangements are all part of studying leadership, aren't they. Umm...

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